Cal Hampton カル・ハンプトン
Contact: |
To send e-mail to this translator, you have to log in first and then return here. Skype: caldc64 |
Editor capability: Yes |
Translation combinations: |
From | To | Level | Japanese | English | High | | |
Ratings received: 10, 9, 10
I am a translator working in the language pair Japanese to English. My particular area of interest is fiction and entertainment, such as video games, manga, anime and prose literature. English (UK) is my native language and I have passed the JLPT at N1 level. I have been translating professionally for several years but am always happy to gain more experience, learn more about the localisation industry, or help out with a good cause. Please see my profiles or CV for full details of my experience and feel free to contact me.
Proz: https://www.proz.com/profile/1811410
Translators Cafe: http://caldc.translatorscafe.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/calhampton/ |