>< Translations for Progress
 News & Events
Helped by TfP
Благодарственное письмо. Special thanks - Translationsforprogress.org was instrumental in launching a social project
New career through TfP - Nueva carrera a través de la TpP
Donorinfo.be is happy with the TfP - We are happy to announce that we have received many offers from good quality volunteer translators and are very very happy to have discovered your website.
From the TfP members
Scientific and Professional Papers
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HOW TO? - How to prepare a news item for submission here
[[[ADD - AÑADIR - ДОБАВИТЬ - AJOUTER - 添加文章 - 記事を追加]]] <--- Here you can add a news article or an announcement about an event that could be of interest to TfP members and visitors. It has to pertain to volunteer or non-profit activities, translations, languages and related areas. <b>It will be REVIEWED</b> and if accepted, moved into the appropriate section of the TfP news page.